Monday, January 27, 2020

Mass Media Advertising Invasion Influence Media Essay

Mass Media Advertising Invasion Influence Media Essay In the mass media as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, movies, and Internet, are designed to communicate and transmit to an unlimited number of people at one time activities, events, events of various kinds, for example sports cultural, social, commercial, historical, academic, etc. Also, give the latest news and give an overview of everything that happened in the world. It is of great importance for society, since these media people realize what happens, and through these media, is held in a very important activity that is advertising, too. This is a movement which is used to distribute or inform the people about products and services. Its main objective is to motivate each individual to consume the product by striking and attractive the commercial. All type of advertising is negative towards people, because the purpose of advertising is to develop the desire to acquire, this or that product, manipulating their minds selling an imaginary happiness and a fictitious reality. Many people argue that advertisement is good because through it they got informed about new things, things that help to everyone to be actualized as in the technology, but also, in offers, or events around the world, and this is an acceptable point. It is a good way of see how the advertisements influences everyones life. Otherwise, the majority of the information that is distributed every day to each citizen is, in some cases, manipulated. This information distributes just what is convenient for some people or organization. These organizations may be the government, city, culture, language, and country, between other. Some favorable examples are in electoral elections, crime or economic problems. Where in the majority of the countries, the government buys the channels and suborns to do not inform about events that may prejudices their career or stance in power. For many professional traders advertising is their source of employment or a means by which they generate their income. Advertisers are specialists in marketing new products or services, and thus get the customer to identify with the product. Its aim is to produce sales or increase them about it. All this was accomplished with a detailed work designed to convince the audience to be aware of the product for sale or mark so they can start buying. However, the advertising, paid by a business advertiser, select and multiply those values that we wish to emphasize and discard those that do not favor their persuasive strategy. The power that advertisement has is too much powerful, and may prejudice more than it helps. as many of the advertisements are not made with only the fact to inform and help people, if not most of the advertising channel uses time that stereotype, especially with the young people, because cause an imbalance in mind and health. Advertising is always looking for ways to how to influence and manipulate the minds of people regardless of age, sex and ethnicity, using resources, tactics and procedures, such as colors, shapes, environments, characters, sounds, time, inter alia, to convince the consumer that the product offered is the best, it is necessary, and that it is on the possibilities of everyone. This will have an impact on the socialization of young people, but they convey a stereotyped image of them, which is dominated by fun, dynamic and superficial. This image ends up being borne by young people themselves. Advertising also uses stereotypes to reinforce their marketing messages. Through research, analysis and study of many disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, statistics, and economics, which are found in the market survey, it can develop an appropriate message to the public. The study by professors at the School of Communication at the University of Navarra jointly with the Council Audiovisual de Navarra, deals with the effects of advertising on young people today, and concludes that the values are transmitted through advertising help or favors that adolescents have attitudes of irresponsibility, consumerism and superficiality to life. The stereotypes that are displayed in television commercials profiles are limited to artificial and remote from real life, under the law of the aesthetic ideal, presenting ideas on youth collective surface. The strong pressure of advertising on minors, it becomes detrimental to the extent that they receive messages unreal perceived as natural, which can cause a marked dissatisfaction upon entering adulthood. Attractive images, the great value placed on leisure and entertainment over other principles, inappropriate sexual stereotypes, these are among others the ideas that are classified as harmful and negative influence on the values that teenagers are absorbing as develop. Lastly, based on these results, it calls for a greater commitment to undertake joint action, proceeding to develop attitudes of responsibility, equality, and transcendence of life. In an investigation conducted by the Foundation for Assistance to Drug Addiction (FAD) is revealed that in ads targeted at young people, are highlighted values such as consumerism, hedonism, independence, transgression, prestige, adventure, while they are other underrepresented as a compromise, friendship, effort, and solidarity. There is a marked tendency towards individualistic hedonism are deficient while the values that foster social effort and commitment. Most young people identify with their main characters in the novel, favorite singers, or models. Which in most of the time these come in commercials advertising products that in view of each of these young people is what makes them look perfect and unique. In Fact, youth buy advertised products for them and in a way that makes them feel sure of themselves. This is a good way to see how advertising could motivate young people to feel better about themselves. On the contrary, advertising with youth people is a value that sells well. Young people who appear in it respond to a stereotype of young fun, dynamic, handsome, successful and attractive: a canon elusive. We propose a body aesthetic that emphasizes thinness, for them, and athletic bodies, in their case. Surveys show that many of the teenagers are not considered at ease with his image. 50% of them are considered overweight, with girls most affected by this negative image. The eagerness of many young people respond to such stereoty pes leads them in many cases, to adopt habits and attitudes that sometimes threaten their physical safety. Diseases such as anorexia and Vigorexia are becoming more common among adolescents. Although, it has increased in recent years the number of men affected by anorexia, girls remain in a ratio of one to ten, suffer the most. In advertising the image of the boys is more related to the effectiveness or the athletes, so one disease that is beginning to being detected is now the Vigorexia, an excessive desire to acquire an athletic-looking body. In recent times problems on advertisements which include young women have been surfacing having them in a sense of low self confidence when they are not perfect, and girls think that they are disappointments, and that no one will accept them. It has been proven that their low self confidence has led to eating disorders, depression, and mental development. It is the major problem of advertising with thin models and expressing that being thin is healthy and is the best way to feel good about her; however, models do not acknowledge that this leads to a live or death situation. The advertisement influences in young women on the today dates. It is a big problem with the slim models. Those kinds of advertisements tell to young women how to dress, look and feel like accepted girls using clothes and being thin as the models on the magazines do. Many young women in particular, look up to these people and take ideas from them about how they should look and act. Some advertisements attract the young womens attention using celebrities showing them as a perfect person. According Health Education Research, a total of 42 participants were interviewed in seven geographic regions of the United States. In groups of three, participants were shown seven print and TV advertisements for weight-loss products and asked to share their interpretations of each ad. Common factors in girls interpretation of weight loss advertising included responding to texts emotionally by identifying with characters; comparing and contrasting persuasive messages with real life experiences with family members; using prior knowledge about nutrition management and recognizing obvious deceptive claims like rapid or permanent weight loss. Girls were less able to demonstrate skills including recognizing persuasive construction strategies including message purpose, target audience and subtext and awareness of economic factors including financial motives, credibility enhancement and branding. Making consumers feel insecure could be considered as one way to advertise and, if not the most effective, one of them. Advertising reveals the latest fashions and the new popular novelties on the market. However, advertising is a patchwork of successes and failures, benefits and disadvantages, wonders and dangers. Clients observe how models look perfect and customers buy what the models are using to look as the models do. Copying the models of the magazines could be one of the objectives of every woman to be popular in the today days; also, doing it girls feel attractive and they think that is the best form to take the attention of a boy. If the young woman uses what the thin model is using, she will feel accepted. It may be the intention, that a woman who is looking at the advertisement does the same as the model on the magazine is doing. Some girls think that if they are not the most perfect possible they are not pretty and there is when a depression comes after it. Furthermore, being an accepted member of society has become very important to most individuals, and be accepted today is just being a copy of the models who appear in magazines and buying the same clothes models suppose to buy, the make-up, including food they supposed to eat or not eat. If a young girl thinks that be thin is being healthy and be attractive and popular it may be because she could read it on a magazine or saw it on a commercial or only because she heard it by other girl that was influenced by advertisements. The majority of advertisements today tell young girls how to dress, how to be physically thin and how to feel good with their own. However, it does not mean that it is the hundred percent truths. It may be only a mirage of what it is being perfect. To be loved, pretty or accepted in a society is not necessary be as a model or as a celebrity. Whether the kids are asked about the advertisements, they will say that it is magnificent, because they learn about new toys, food that it is delicious and then when they go to the store they will tell their parents to buy those things because they saw it on television or internet and it was beautiful, it will make their dreams true and will be happy having this product. This is the purpose of the advertisement of make the adults, teenagers, and kids, feel with the necessity of acquire that dream announced in the commercial. In contrast the advertisement do not just influences in young people, kids in the form how to dress or act, it also prejudices to the health every time the kind is using the mass media watching TV or playing the video games and using the computer. According to a recent study, teens are constantly targeted by TV advertisements for food. The average U.S. teen sees about 6,000 of them a year! Most of the ads are for unhealthy junk foods, sugary cereals, fast-food re staurants, and soft drinks. Food manufacturers spend billions of dollars each year trying to get teens to see their ads. Experts think this can lead to bad eating habits and health problems. According to the article, Dr. Edward Palmer, a professor who studies TVs effects on children, was asked if he thought there was a connection between these food ads and health trends among young people. There is a direct link, he told. He also believes that the ads send an unrealistic message: Youll have fun if you get this food. Youll be accepted by your friends, Dr. Palmer said. Also, Omar Estrada, a 9th-grader from Illinois, is no stranger to food ads. Its about half of what I see when I watch TV, he told. And Taylor Simmons, a 6th-grader from South Carolina, said that after seeing a commercial for a fast-food restaurant: Sometimes you cannot help but go to McDonalds. You feel like you have to go!(Entin). The advertisement is not just what is shown in the internet, radio, magazines, etc. it is also the gifts they do if you by that items. For example, if a kid goes to McDonalds and he buys a happy meal some of the cases he or she do not buy this food because he was hungry or because he likes the food, he wanted it because there is a obsequious, that commonly are characters of the resent kids movie or the favorite cartoon. All things considered, advertisement does not project the favorable information that should. Advertisement or publicity may be criticizes but, when consumed, every one is influenced by it. In one hand, advertising has an influence in certain individuals as positive, motivation them to realize their cherished dreams, but on the other hand, advertisement manipulates the minds of the people to sell or make as know the product and the service. The advertisement, besides of the people will think that it will beneficiate their style life, obtaining information, or founding offers in supplies, or being actualized with all the new products in sell, it will do that every person beyond of being informed with manipulated information or with an fictitious happiness may be danger with a problem of low stamen or health. The majority of the teenagers follow as example to their idols that are shown on magazines, television, and so copying their dress style or how they are physically, as conclusion, bringing to them problems starting with the absence of originality in their own or diseases as anorexia or vogorexia.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Pro Genetically Modified Foods Essay

We must have science to make medicine. All of us have been to the doctor to get medicine at least once in their lives. Think about how many people would die each year if it weren’t for modern day medicine; a lot, right? So it’s safe to say that some of us trust in medicine but not the science of genetically modifying foods? Believe it or not, genetically modifying foods has been around for thousands of years. â€Å"About 8,000 years ago, for example, farmers in Central America crossed two mutant strains of a weedy-looking plant called Balsas teosinte and produced the first corn on the cob. † (http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/harvest/engineer/) Without GM foods, farmers would be using more pesticides to keep their crops fresh. Scientists have created pest resistant plants that require fewer pesticides and grow faster. Along with being more cost efficient for farmers, the farmer’s use of fewer pesticides has been thought to be safer for consumers and for the environment. â€Å"How is the environment affected by pesticides? † After the rain comes and washes all the pesticides on the crops away the chemicals run off into the ground water and the water becomes contaminated. Then the animals of the surrounding area consume the water and then become sick and eventually die. If corn were not genetically modified, many crops would die as a result of pests and poor resiliency to changes in the weather. One of the biggest pathogens for corn is said to be the European corn borer. Because this insect subsides inside of the corn husk, pesticides do little to fix the issue. As a result of reduced production of corn, produce prices would become inflated and many people could no longer afford to buy it.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Assignment #1: Best Practices

January 4, 2013 BUS 5668: Cases in Applied Project Management Assignment #1: Best Practices From 1940 to present, Project Management has continuously advanced from line managers using a small set of processes that were considered nice to have to the formal assignment of one individual assigned as the Project Manager that utilized a formal methodology by which to manage the project. Often the term â€Å"best practices† is referenced within a defined methodology. Why must an organization capture best practices? What are the determining factors in base-lining a best practice? Can an organization have too many best practices?What are the impacts of establishing too many best practices that mandated by senior management for use on all projects? Provide one example of a Project Management best practice. (Video Lecture 2 and independent research) What are Best Practices? According to the Business Dictionary, And According to the Business Dictionary, â€Å"A Best Practice is a method or technique that has consistently shown results superior to those achieved with other means, and that is used as a benchmark (Business Dictionary). † Organizations that have had constant success have adapted a unique version of the best practice method that accommodates what they do.Many organizations use best practices to do the following (but not limited to): †¢ Develop an understanding of the necessary requirements †¢ Focusing on how to deliver the service / continue to deliver the service †¢ Improve the perception of the customer(s) †¢ Eliminate wasteful spending/investments †¢ Increase productivity and employee morale †¢ Improve Risk Management Using the best practices listed above along with other best practices the organization deem necessary, organizations can create a baseline to accommodate their organizations.A Base-line is defined as the current version of a project plan that guides project performance and against which the project m anager compares actual project performance. (Portny, el. ) When an organization is creating or enhancing a base-line, the organization has to take into consideration the following: †¢ How will the best practice benefit the organization †¢ Who will the best practice have the most impact on (customer, organization, stakeholders, etc. ) †¢ What is the return on investments for the organization by implementing the best practices.Although best practices is the ideal method to use when operating an organization, not using the best practices method as it is meant to be used is just as bad as not having a process in place to run the organization. Time and time again, many organizations lose site of what best practices really are because they set too many goals as best practices. As a result, the organization fails to improve and keep up with competitors due to losing sight because they have so many best practices they are trying to focus on. The idea behind the best ractices is to ensure the organization is operating on one accord throughout the organization. By implementing too many best practices may result in the disorganization within the organization. Everyone would not be on one accord which can lead to miscommunication and every department doing what they see fit. Having too many best practices is just as bad as not having any at all. By implementing too many best practices, the organization have a higher probability to failing due to no realistic opportunity of implementing all of the best practices.And the best practices implemented will not be fulfill 100% due to lack of resources because resources are spread thin due to the large amount of best practices. Also, every best practice may not be suitable for every department within the organization. By implementing best practices that will not be beneficial to department will become a waist of resources, spending, and as a result the project has a high probability of failing. An example of a Proj ect Management best practice would be the implementation of ITIL within the NASA organization.ITIL provides a practical, no-nonsense framework for identifying, planning, delivering and supporting IT services to the business. The NASA Shared Services Center (NSSC) is ITIL aligned. As a member of the NASA Shared Services Center, I had the opportunity to work on the implementation of the Enterprise Service Desk (ESD). The ESD offers 24Ãâ€"7 technical support to the entire NASA Agency. This department was stood up on the premises of offering the best IT support at the lowest cost. The NSSC has been using this best practice since it’s start-up.I for one believe the ITIL best practice has brought much success to the NSSC. References: Last, F. M. (Year Published) Book. City, State: Publisher. Portny, Stanley E. (2008) Project Management: Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling Projects. New Jersey John wWley & Sons No author. (n. d. ) Business Dictionary. Retrieved on 01/09/2012. Ret rieved from http://www. businessdictionary. com/definition/best-practice. html#ixzz2HuDx20hu No author. (05. 10. 2012) ITIL. Retrieved on 01/09/2012. Retrieved from http://www. itil-officialsite. com/AboutITIL/WhatisITIL. aspx

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Risk Management of Mass Customization in Supply Chain...

Risk management of Mass customization in Supply Chain Management Ching-Hua Huang, Cai Wei, Lam Shan Kong, Ching-Hsin Lee, Po-Chun Chen, Faculty of Business, Economics amp; Law, University of Queensland, Australia Key words: Risk management, Supply chain, Mass customization Abstract Companies nowadays have faced critical issues on managing the supply chain system and how to make it work smoothly is the main goal that is willing to pursue. This article is going to identify the risks in supply chain management and take mass customization as the key element to elaborate, and two examples are brought out to emphasize the importance of it. At last, negative impacts addressing the management and some recommendation of avoidance†¦show more content†¦What is mass customization? In the fierce competitive environment where customers expect the products they purchased are unique and customized, and the price should be as low as mass-produced items (Radder amp; Louw 1999). Therefore, more companies realize that a profound change in production procedures and flexibility of structures are needed to meet the challenges. While Mass customization (MC) has provided an opportunity to cope with varied customer needs, such as Dell computer, Daimler smart car, Swatch, IBM, Proctor and Gamble and Hewlett-Packard, leading a successful business practices by accommodating specific customer requirements (Selladurai 2004). Originally, the notion of MC was coined by Stan Davis (1987) in his book â€Å"Future Shock†, which defines MC as a fundamental paradox allowing firms to produce as various goods as possible based on volatile customer needs, but in a cost-effective way. The concept of MC is to integrate flexible production processes with information systems and organizational structures within a supply network, delivering tailored products or services to satisfy the end customer as well as reaching reasonable costs (Frutos amp; Borenstein 2004; Silveira, Borenstein amp; Fogliatto 2000; Yao amp; Liu 2009). In other words, MC is characterized as a strategy to provide customers with what they want, anytime and anywhere with any way, from which companies can gain a competitiveShow MoreRelatedApplying Lean Tools and Techniques to Optimize Supply Chain Processes1139 Words   |  5 PagesTo Optimize Supply Chain Processes Introduction In defining how best to apply lean tools and techniques to the optimization of supply chain processes, the systemic structure of a firms value chain needs to first be taken into account, with each specific sector of the supply chain considered an integral part. 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